I suppose there will always be Nehors both in and out of the church who use money, position and influence to gain the support of others for their own sin. Unfortunately, as with the people in Alma's time, so it is in ours. The church is prosperous and the importance of money, position and appearance cloud many minds causing them to think their worth is built upon the success they create for themselves, success that elevates them so they can look down from above on those around them. I find that the need for success, when pursued at the cost of humility, charity and spirituality, is an effort to hide inadequacies. Those three qualities are where success really lies.
What Elder Maxwell once said applies well to the Nehor's of the world, "Perhaps the worst curse that finally falls upon those who are hard of heart and who fight against God is the curse of being consigned to be with each other." Hardness of heart and pride go hand in hand with wickedness. It all goes back to Satan and his statement to God, "Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it, wherefore give me thine honor." Satan's ego is made obvious with four "I's" and three "me's" in that one sentence. As Elder Maxwell says, those vertical pronouns are usually accompanied by unbending knees. And notice the similarity of Satan's words with what Nehor taught. He says teachers and priests should be popular, wealthy. Satan wanted to the supreme position of all, God's honor and Godhood, as if it could be given. Nehor said all mankind will be saved and redeemed, so sin is of no consequence. Satan would have saved all people, but for his own purposes. And just as Satan wanted no agency and seeks to destroy all who would follow God, Nehor tried to prohibit the agency of others and killed Gideon who successfully opposed him.
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