Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Matthew Chapters 3 and 4

It took me seven minutes to read the two chapters this morning.  If you're reading something else great, if not, I hope you'll read the gospels.  I love the gospels because you get the stories of the Savior.  For the most part, it is very easy to understand and you can picture so much of it in your mind.

I love how when the Pharisees and Sadducees come to John the Baptist he calls them snakes because they poison the minds of the people.  They claim they are the rightful leaders of the Jews because they descended from Abraham when John is by ancestry and ordination the true ruler.  He's the last legal administrator of the Law of Moses.  Joseph Smith said that in 3:16 that the "he" who saw the heavens open and the Spirit of God descend upon the Savior is John.  Those that believe in the trinity still can't explain how there are three separate members of the Godhead here, the Savior, the Holy Ghost descending like a dove, and the voice of the Father from heaven.

The Savior gave a great example in how he resisted the temptations of Satan.  He didn't give Satan an ear but rebuked him each time and then had nothing to do with him.  Great lesson for the kids.  And when he had resisted Satan, angels came and ministered to him just as the Spirit will to us if when we resist.  The three temptations are interesting too.  The first represents our physical appetites we need to control, the second is pride and position, and the third is riches and power.  I'm glad coke isn't mentioned specifically!

One last thought.  When the Savior tells Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow him, Jesus wasn't a stranger to them.  Those four men already knew him and his teachings.  Now they're accepting the call to become leaders.  I wonder what the swimming diseases are mentioned in 4:24.  JK

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