Thursday, May 21, 2009

Matthew 7 and 8

Chapter 7

I like the way Ch. 7 is organized.  First we're taught how to treat others (verses 1-5).  Then we're taught to pray, to not be afraid to ask, and we can ask knowing that our Father in Heaven will hear answer AND grant out petitions (verses 7-11).  And then in verse 12 he gives us the golden rule (to unto others), and tells us that the answer to our prayers will depend on how we are keeping that rule.  That's why the word "therefore" is used.  It's like he is saying, "Your Heavenly Father will give you all good things, so make sure you treat others the same way.

Also verses 13-14 and 21-22 are key verses.  Being a nice person isn't enough.  We have to act (enter the strait or narrow gate) on what we know the Father's will to be.  If we do that, when opposition comes (verses 24-25), we'll be able to stand firm in our testimonies.

Chapter 8

I'm impressed with how anxious the Lord is to heal.  He doesn't ask for qualifications, only faith and belief.  One is a leper, an outcast because of disease.  The next is a non-Jew, a Roman.  The third is Peter's mother, and then it tells us all kinds of people came to be healed and he healed all of them.

In this chapter, the Savior demonstrates is power over all elements of his creation, whether it be things related to life like  sickness or death, or the physical elements like calming the sea.  He is a God and he has power to control all things related to our existence.  Isn't it interesting in verses 29-34 that the devils know exactly who he is, but the people do not and ask him to leave their lands.


Sue and Rich said...

Thanks for doing this blog Stephanie. I am already caught up with my reading, and thanks Rich for writing your commentary it really helps as we read.
I hope that all of my family will read together the four gospels. Love, Mom

Stephanie said...

I hope that everyone will write about what they're thinking as they read and what questions come to mind.

Stephanie said...

The girls were likening the scriptures to them. It is fun listening to them.

Does anyone feel like parts of the stories are missing when they read?