Monday, July 11, 2011

D&C Section Seventy Seven

This is a series of questions that Joseph had concerning the Book of Revelations and the answers he received. Since we've already covered the Book of Revelations, there is just one thing I would like comment on in this section and it's verse two. In this verse, we learn that everything that lives as a physical presence and a spiritual presence and the two of them are in likeness of each other. In other words, our spirits pretty much look like our bodies. I am convinced that our conception of what is beautiful is going to change drastically when it is no longer limited to this world's standards. I think we will see more beauty in more things, and what we previously would have cast aside as not beautiful will look beautiful to us. The lesson to me is I should see more beauty in the things and in the people around me. I have a feeling I would enjoy life a bit more if I did.

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