The second half of Section 84 is filled with wonderful promises to those who preach the gospel. Verses 65 to 73 lists a number of miracles that can be experienced with the instruction that if someone experiences a miracle, it is for their personal benefit and should not be mentioned to others or boasted of. I have no doubt that we are unaware of the countless miracles that have happened in the church. For example, it is rare to hear of someone being raised from the dead for example, but there are recorded instances where apostles have done this is in our day.
Other wonderful blessings are:
1. They shall not be weary in mind, body, limb, or joint and (I like this one) a hair of their head shall not fall to the ground unnoticed.
2. They will not go hungry or athirst but will be provided for.
3. If the words of life are treasured up continually (to me, that means consistent scripture study), it will be given them what to say. I experienced this in the MTC at the time I was a first counselor under Tomm Chapman, a CES Institute director I had great respect for. After I had spoken to the missionaries in sacrament meeting one Sunday, he told me it was time to put away the notes and just speak what the Spirit directed me to. I didn't have the same confidence of my gospel knowledge that he had of me, but I followed his instruction and never used notes again. I was amazed at what I experienced when I was assigned to speak, especially amazed at what I learned.
4. The Lord states he will go before our face, be on our right hand and left hand with the angels around us to support us. As we have been taught, I believe that those angels are our ancestors. I firmly believe that they influence our lives far more than we know.
The remainder of the section deals with providing for those who have less or who are weak. The Lord affirms that every person and every calling is equally important, that the system is perfect and will remain that way as long as there is no pride and the Spirit gives life to the body of the church. One of the most difficult challenges for the church as always been imperfect people administering a perfect system. I have to acknowledge how patient the Lord must be to allow us who are so imperfect to conduct his work on earth.
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