Saturday, October 17, 2009

Galatians 4

Paul continues to teach the Galatians the error in turning back to the Law of Moses. He tells them that through Christ they are adopted into the family of Christ and they become joint-heirs with him to all that the Father has. He uses the story of Abraham to illustrate this by comparing Abraham's two wives to the Law of Moses and the Gospel. He compares the Law of Moses, the old covenant, to Hagar who was a bondwoman or slave. When her son Ishmael was born, he was born into bondage. He compares the Gospel, or new covenant, to Sarah who gave birth in freedom under miraculous circumstances to Isaac. The bondage is the bondage of sin, and freedom comes from being made free from the bondage of sin. Ishmael never received the promises given to Abraham, but the children of Isaac do. (Muslims are the descendants of Ishmael. The children of Israel are descendants of Isaac.)

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