Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ephesians 5

No unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God. Paul teaches that we must give up all morally unclean acts or we have no inheritance in the kingdom of God. No sin or addiction is excusable because it removes the Spirit from our lives and left unattended to will cause us to lose what knowledge we have gained. To me this is why the media presents such a problem. It places immoral activity in a highly entertaining setting, makes it acceptable and desirable, and weakens the moral resolve. It does this with attractive people whose looks and personality appear to be the kind we wish we were like. But this is never real life, never reality. Actors who portray immorality are usually immoral in their own lives and so there few successful marriages and families among them. They are never fulfilled and so to gain a sense of fulfillment, they heap honor and attention on each other as a sign of achievement. But this sense of achievement isn't lasting or fulfilling because the only true achievements in life are those that result in the elevating of another person's life and character.

Contrast this with what Paul teaches about a relationship between a man and a woman who have Christ at the center of their lives. Paul counsels them to submit to each other and to Christ. Submit as taught in the scriptures isn't talking about base servitude. It means giving our hearts, devotion, our loyalty and allegiance to each other and to God. Wives should be able to look to their husbands as someone who is clean and pure, someone who will lead them to salvation. In this sense, men are expected to be saviors of their families just as Christ is the Savior of the church. In Paul's words, this will be "a great mystery" to men until they have their minds opened by the power of the Spirit. Only when a man is leading by righteous acts and example is a woman expected to follow his spiritual lead. Male chauvinism has no place in the gospel. D&C 121 spells that out very clearly.

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