Saturday, October 3, 2009

2 Corinthians 3

There is some concern about people still trying to live the Law of Moses and Paul is having to remind them that it is no longer in effect. It would be similar to someone joining the church today and still trying to keep the traditions of their previous church. Paul explains that the letter of the law, the Law of Moses, will kill the Spirit, while the gospel will be bring life. The Law of Moses turns the heart to stone, but the gospel turns the heart into something that is alive, sensitive and feeling . When all is said and done, the gospel isn't something written on tablets of stone or in books of scripture, it is what is in the hearts of the members and they are its true epistles.

The word "testament" in verse 6 is a secondary translation of the Greek word diatheke. The correct translation is covenant. The old covenant, the Law of Moses is gone. The new covenant of the gospel is now in effect. When the Jews accept Christ, the veil that covers their minds and hearts will be removed, and it is the same with people who come to understand the restored gospel; a veil of doubt and confusion is removed.

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