Friday, September 11, 2009

Romans 13-14

Paul continues much in the same manner, emphasizing the need to submit to church leaders, to live lives of moral purity, and to love one another. He tells us it's time to quit associating with those things that bring darkness to our lives, to wake up and enjoy the brightness of the day.

I like verses 2 and 3 in chapter 14. Health food nuts should especially take note and don't look down on me if I like my ice cream! To me, the important message in this chapter is that because of the atonement, we are the Lord's. I look at that in the sense that I can feel protected, watched over, and know each day that he is with me regardless of what I may be going through. Since I am the Lord's, if I live each day for him, I will not only be more aware of his presence in my life, I will be more at peace with myself and my life.

Paul admonishes us to treat each other equally, to not judge. I especially like his counsel that no one should put a stumbling block in someone else's way. Paul talks about meat and drink and the differences of opinion over them that caused the people to judge others. For me, that means don't let trivial things about others influence how you treat them. O shouldn't be bothered by the fetish habits and actions of others, as long as they're not sinful. Doing what they do may not help me, but maybe it helps them.

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