Tuesday, September 22, 2009

1 Corinthians 9

Verse 5 is possible evidence that wives and family members accompanied some of the apostles on their trips. In this chapter, it is obviously important to Paul that when he preaches to people, he tries to find a common ground. He wants to blend with the culture of the people he is with. This is much like our missionary work. The missionaries learn the language and live the customs of the countries they are in and come to love the unique things about the people and the places they serve in. They come home with mementos that remind them of the people and their way of life. They usually want to go back and visit and rekindle the feelings they had while serving there.

The Isthmian Games were held every two years in Corinth. To the Greeks, these games were second in importance only to the olympics. The reward for winning a race at the Isthmian Games was a crown of celery. Paul contrasts that with a winning crown of everlasting glory. Any attempt to equate their worth is ridiculous. He basically is saying, don't run the race of the world to win an reward that in the end perishes and has no value. But run the spiritual race of the gospel where the reward is a crown of everlasting life, joy and peace.

I like the Greek translation of verse 27 which says "But I rigorously discipline my body, and bring it under subjection." I hope he's just talking about spiritual discipline and not exercise!

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