Tuesday, August 2, 2011

D&C Section Eighty Eight Con't

The next part of this revelation deals with events that will be a part of the last days before the second coming of Christ. There will be seven angels who will sound trumpets with each series of trumps heralding specific events. I don’t know whether the sounding of the trumpets is symbolic or actual, but the first angels will announce the need to prepare for Christ’s coming, that the great and abominable church has been destroyed, and that church represents the tares or evil people and organizations of world. The righteous of the world will be caught up to meet Christ. This trump represents those people who are celestial. The second trump announces the redemption of those who have accepted the gospel in the spirit prison who are of a terrestial nature. The third trump is the redemption of those who were evil and are telestial in nature. The fourth trump is casting into outer darkness the sons of perdition or people who had a perfect knowledge of Christ and his glory but still denied him and fought against him. The fifth trump represents the restoration of the gospel and that all people will come to know Christ and confess his that he is just and fair. The sixth trump announces the fall of Satan and his followers. The seventh announces that Christ’s work is finished.

Then each of the seven will sound their trumpets again each one will represent one of the seven thousand years of existence of mankind. I believe that each of these thousand years are actually a long period of man’s existence and not a thousand years exactly. Then it says that after the thousand year reign of Christ, Satan will be let loose for a brief period and then Michael and his army will cast him out for good.

The last part of this revelation instructs the priesthood holders how they can organize and prepare themselves. The most important thing they can do is to build a temple because it is in the temple where our greatest preparations take place. The brethren are also instructed to start the school of the prophets, so they can be united in love, worthiness, doctrine, and be taught in the power of the Spirit.

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