Thursday, June 24, 2010

Alma 33

This chapter contains Alma's testimony concerning prayer. He testifies to the people that God will hear and answer all prayers no matter where or when the prayer is given. The interesting bit of information is that God hears and answers our prayers because of his Son. Because the Savior has done so much for us, our Father in Heaven does not want his Son's sacrifice for all people to go unnoticed and unappreciated. Alma teaches the people of Zarahemla that if they will read the scriptures consistently, they will understand this. At the basis of this is a question of why the people of Zarahemla would believe the false teachings of people who do not know, when the true teachings are easily available in the scriptures.

In chapter 32, he told the people what happens when a seed of belief is planted in the heart and nourished, how it grows into a tree that yields fruit of great joy. In chapter 33, the tells the people that seed is belief in Christ, his atonement and resurrection. This seed he says will not only grow in them and lead to everlasting life, but it will ease their burdens now and bring great joy. He says it is not a hard thing to do, but is easy if they have the will to do it. God stands ready to bless us immediately if we turn consistently to him. And in spite of all our daily frustrations, discouragements, and challenges, if we hold fast to Him, he will make our burdens light, our pains less, and grant us more peace and happiness.

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