Saturday, February 6, 2010

2 Nephi 7

This chapter begins as if Israel is complaining that the Lord has severed all ties with them, that the Lord has divorced himself from them. But the Lord asks them to find a bill of divorcement or, in other words, he's asking them to show any evidence where he removed himself from them. Because of their iniquities, they have removed themselves from him. The Lord tells them that if he can create and control all things, that if was willing to suffer all things, he can and will still redeem them. How often do we feel like the Lord isn't there and yet he tells us that he never leaves us. I know I leave him in the sense that my own actions make it hard for me to feel his presence and influence in my life. I've come to realize that his presence is always there. His love and peace is always available. It's so easy to get caught up in the everyday things of life and I find myself not thinking about Him or remembering Him when if I did, my life would go better and I would feel more happy and at peace. I like the words at the beginning of some of the verses: "The Lord God hath opened my ear, the Lord God will help me therefore I shall not be confounded, The Lord is near, and he justifieth me." And then he repeats and says, "The Lord God will help me." I wonder how many times he has helped me and I haven't even been aware of it.

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