Saturday, February 20, 2010

2 Nephi 16

If you were travel back to the time of Isaiah, or even a thousand years ago, how would you describe computer technology, television, cell phones, movies, CAT scanners? How about lasers or even simpler things like cars, or microwaves? Could you describe radar and how a stealth fighter or bomber avoids it? By describing these things only in what you write, would they be able to read and comprehend it? It would seem fantastical, and they might grasp the concepts. But Isaiah must write about what he sees in the celestial kingdom of God. There are no earthly things that are comparable, no mortal words to describe immortal things. With what he writes being incomprehensible to us, he uses imagery. I think the best way to approach this chapter is to not figure out what the seraphim is looks like, but see what is happening. Isaiah is being called as a prophet. His sins are purged, he's given his mission and told the people will refuse to hear and understand. It would seem like a fruitless effort, but there will be a tenth of the people who will eventually return. There is a common procedure here with the calling as a prophet. Isaiah's fits the same mold as all other prophets including the Prophet Joseph Smith.

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