Friday, February 12, 2010

2 Nephi 10

To me, this chapter is a reminder that God will keep his promises. The promises made by men are too often broken and are only made for opportunistic reasons. The promises of the Lord are deeply sacred and he will honor every promise he makes. In this chapter, Jacob teaches that when the Jews, who were the most wicked nation on an earth that is one of the most wicked of God's creations, in spite of having crucified their Lord, when they believe in Christ again, the promises made anciently to them will still be fulfilled. He will not forget them or the promises he made concerning them. They will be able to return to the lands promised for their inheritance. While there are many Jews in Israel today, this promise is yet to be fulfilled. Each of us have similar promises that can be traced back to the promises made to Abraham. If we live in the manner God would have us live, those promises are real and sacred, and regardless of what we have done in life, he will not forget us and his promises to us will be fulfilled if we patiently and righteously wait for them.

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