Friday, December 11, 2009

2 and 3 John

2 & 3 John
John refers to himself as "the elder" and in 2 John he is writing to an "elect lady." This could be the church, but more likely is a woman, possibly a member of his family, maybe even his wife. Joseph Smith referred to Emma as an "elect lady." Gaius, who John addresses 3 John to, is a very common name for a Roman man. He was probably a local leader. John writes briefly to both of these people saying he will speak more when he sees them in person. The message of both epistles is to love others and to not follow those who would deceive and deny the reality of Christ, who he was and what he did. Like Korihor and others in the Book of Mormon, these people deny living prophets, revelation, and ecclesiastical authority. They twist the scriptures to their own purposes promoting doubt and skepticism. Usually they do this for power and material gain.

Jude was another half-brother of Jesus. His actual name is Judas, but is called to Jude to differentiate him from Judas Iscariot. We do not know what his calling in the church was, but what he teaches is a strong witness to the doctrines of the restored gospel. Jude first confirms the apostasy that is taking place and being caused by wicked men who have entered into the leadership of the church. In verse 6, he refers to the premortal life and what happened to those who chose to follow Satan there and their eventual fate of being consigned to outer darkness. Jude speaks of how Satan contended with Michael, the archangel over the body of Moses. Jude appears to be quoting from an apocryphal work called "The Assumption of Moses" where Satan contends that he being lord of the material world, has the right of seeing after Moses' body. Michael overrules Satan and charges him with tempting Eve in the garden. Jude also talks about the second coming of Christ in terms different than what is found in the Bible. He also points out that the danger to the church comes more from within than without.

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