Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mark 3 and 4

Chapter 3

The Jews were fanatical about what you could or couldn't do on the sabbath day.  Their rules have always been amazing to me because they were detailed down to how many steps you could take from your home.  Most of the rules weren't part of the law of Moses, but ones that the rabbis had concocted as they interpreted the law of the sabbath.  Now with Christ, the difference between keeping commandments for commandments sake and having true religion in your heart is huge.  The pharisees are all about keeping rules, about appearances, the Savior is all about faith, love, healing and spiritual gifts.  Sometimes we see that in the church; people will act righteous, but we can see they are not righteous in their heart.  We need to remember the Lord's love is extended to all and he is patient with them as well as with us.

Chapter 4

I love the story of the Savior calming the sea.  He says, "Peace, be still,"  He says that to the sea, but I think he's saying that to the disciples too.  In the Doctrine and Covenants, he says, "Be still and know that I am God."  When we're in the midst of something that causes fear or anguish, or when nothing is going right in life, the Lord is telling us is to be at peace, to know that he's there, he's aware, and he's in charge.  Things will work out and he wants us to trust him and to have faith him.  When we do, it's easier to allow his peace into our hearts and it's easier to get through the trial.

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