Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mark 15 and 16

Chapter 15

Regardless of who they were or what they had done, I have to wonder what kind of person mocks someone who has been crucified.  Contrast those people, the ones who were referred to as the "chosen people,"  the ones with the knowledge of the true God with the Roman soldier, a gentile, who recognized that he was the Son of God.  We are told that all of the suffering in Gethsemane came again to the Savior on the cross.  And for the second time, he was left alone without the presence of the Father.  Later, he will say, I have trod the winepress alone.    If we ever feel alone or abandoned, we can be sure he understands.  Mary, his mother is present when he dies, but because there is no mention of Joseph, it is assumed that he has passed away.

Chapter 16

When we were in Israel, I thought that the one place I would really feel the Spirit was in the Garden Tomb.  Several of the prophets have said that this was the tomb of the Savior.  When we were there, there was a long line to get into the tomb.  Later, I was able to go back and go in by myself.  I didn't feel anything and then the thought came into my mind, "Why seek ye the living among the dead?"  As I turned to leave, I noticed as sign over the inside of the doorway there was a sign that said "He is not here. He is risen."

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