Thursday, May 28, 2009

Matthew 19 and 20

Chapter 19

I think verses 1-6 are a great message on marriage being between a man and women.  It has been God's purpose and our purpose from the beginning for marriage and family to be built around a man and a woman.  I think gays can have legal unions and do whatever they like, but the foundation of society has always been and will always be a strong traditional family.  We ignore history which time again has shown that when a society collapses, it is for two reasons, morals and family.  It was true of the Romans, the Greeks, and countless others.  In every case, there is a rise in immorality and homosexuality before the collapses.   And here we are on the same road again.  And to think we'll be different is very naive.

I also think with verse 21, the Lord isn't saying that to be perfect we have to give everything to the Lord and to the church, but we should have a heart that would be willing to give all if asked of us.  The rich young man was essentially saying, "I will keep all of the commandments and worship you, but don't ask me to give anything like time or money"

Chapter 20

This is the Tuesday before the crucifixion on Friday.  Verse 20 - the sons of Zebedee are James and John.  The Savior is saying, if you are wiling to go through what I'm going to go through, and be baptized, you possibly can.  But it is the Father's decision.  The 12 at this point seem to be a little conscious of who is more important.  That will change soon.

When the blind men called out to the Savior saying thou son of David, they were showing that they recognized that he was the Messiah.

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