Section 111
The church is in terrible financial condition mostly because of what has happened in Missouri. Joseph is promised a large amount of money in Salem Mass. and he and some of the brethren go there. As it turns out, there is no money and the brethren feel it's been a waste of time, resources and energy. The Lord calls their trip a folly but says he is not displeased with them. I think that is something important to remember. There are lots of time we do things that don't turn out well, and maybe were things we should not have been done, but when our heart is in the right place, the Lord doesn't condemn us. As it turns out, Joseph learned much genealogical information about his ancestors as a result of this trip. So it was not entirely wasted and this information is one of the treasures that the Lord was referring to when he said there was much treasure in that city, more than one type of treasure. The Lord encourages them to stay for a time and make acquaintances with the people of the city. He also promises Joseph that he will be given power to pay their debts. I can't imagine the pressure that was on Joseph at this difficult time in church history. There is so much going on in Missouri that is devastating the church there, some of the 12 are leaving for England, the temple has been built, and people are beginning to step up their persecution in Kirtland. The church is growing so rapidly that it is difficult to keep up with all of the administrative demands that are overwhelming the leadership. And in the midst of this, the majority of the 12 leave Joseph for England. This also means that their families must be watched over and provided for when they don't have means for providing for themselves.
Section 112
This revelation was given the day the gospel was first preached in England. In one year and 14 days, there are between 7 and 8 thousand baptisms, and the church is established in nearly every town and city. Also during this time, 5,000 Books of Mormon, 3,000 hymnals, 50,000 tracts, and 2,500 volumes of the Millennial Star are printed. One thousand converts immigrate to the U.S. Nine of the 12 apostles went to England during this time. In this section, the Lord gives instruction to the Quorum of the 12 after Thomas B. Marsh, who was president of the 12 at that time, asked Joseph for a revelation regarding their duties. There a number of things the Lord tells him, and all of these things pertain to the members just as they do the 12. And, they pertain to the members today just as they did then.
1. Openly work in declaring the gospel.
2. Be prepared to preach to all nations.
3. "Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand and give thee answer to thy prayers." Love that one.
4. Don't be partial with people placing some above others.
5. Pray for your fellow workers.
6. Honor the prophet and know that he possesses the keys which were given to him directly from the Lord's prophets
7. Know you are called of God.
8. Know that wherever you go, the Lord will be with you.
9. Those who receive the Lord's servants, receive his prophet, and receive the Lord. You cannot accept one and not another.
10. Know the signs of the times.
11. Know how you stand before the Lord.
12. Understand the power and authority you hold.
13. Be pure. Cleanse your hearts.
You could write paragraphs or chapters of a book about each one of these.
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