Tuesday, January 11, 2011

D&C Section Six

Before I do Section 6, I need to correct one thing I previously said. I
mentioned the story of David Whitmer's field being plowed so he could
translate. Something did seem right and so I checked on the story. The
plowing was actually done so he could go to Pennsylvania to bring Joseph and
Oliver back to Fayette to finish the translation. Here is David Whitmer's
own words where he tells how he needs to go to Joseph, but needs to get his
work done too. "I did not know what to do, I was pressed with my work. I
had some 20 acres to plow, so I concluded that I would finish plowing and
then go. I got up one morning to go to work as usual, and on going to the
field, found between five and seven acres of my ground had been plowed
during the night. I don't know who did it; but I was done just as I would
have done it myself, and the plow was left standing in the furrow. This
enabled me to start sooner."

Section 6
Oliver Cowdery has been teaching school in Manchester (where the Smith's
live and is part of Palmyra now) and as was usual for teachers then, he
boarded with the parents of school children. So it was natural for him to
put up with the Smiths for a while and during that time he learned of
Joseph, Moroni's visits, and the translating going on with the Book of
Mormon. One night, he prayed to know the truth of all this and received and
answer that it was true, but was instructed in that answer to tell no one.
Because of that experience, he decided to travel the 100 miles to Harmony,
Pennsylvania to meet Joseph for himself. I like that fact that Oliver
doesn't judge, doesn't rely on anyone for his own opinion, but finds out on
his own. When Joseph spoke the words of the revelation in Section 6 about
Oliver's having prayed and received an answer to his prayer, Oliver knew
that no one knew that except the Lord, and for someone else to know that,
the Lord would have to reveal it to him. As a result, he decided to stay
and help Joseph with the translation. Being more educated, this helped
Joseph immensely and the translation went more quickly.

It's interesting that before the Lord says anything else, Oliver will get
the same call to missionary work that so many others will. Missionary work
is the only way the church is going to move forward and have any financial
stability. Oliver is counseled by the Lord to "not trifle with sacred
things." How often we tend to treat the sacred with casualness. Just as we
are disappointed when people treat lightly something that is important to
us, I'm sure the Lord is disappointed when we fail to grasp the importance
of something sacred. The most common thing I can think of is the sacrament.
One that I know I fail to grasp significantly enough is the temple. Some
day when I understand the temple more deeply, especially the symbolism and
spiritual opportunities the temple affords, I know I'll kick myself for not
going more often.

Three quick verses. "There is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts
and the intents of the thy heart." Satan has no idea what our thoughts and
intentions are, but how comforting to know that the Lord understands us

"Cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart (It
wasn't a vocal prayer - a little detail that Joseph wouldn't have known, but
Oliver would have picked up on quickly)... Did I not speak peace to your
mind concerning the matter?" A spiritual witness always involves feelings
and the feeling that is most often associated with spiritual experiences is

"Look unto me in every thought, doubt not, fear not" The Lord is one source
we can rely on to ease our fears and doubts about anything and everything.

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