Thursday, September 23, 2010

Alma 62

Moroni goes to Pahoran and on the way recruits thousands of additional soldiers. When he joins the forces of Pahoran, they go to Zarahemla and defeat Pachus, who has made himself king, and his forces. The importance of freedom in the Lord's eyes is shown by the fact that those who will not surrender with an oath to not fight against the Nephites are executed. Those who are willing to live in peace are free to do so. 4,000 Lamanites request to live with the people of Ammon and enjoy the same freedom they do. Moroni and Pahoran then take their forces and one by one reclaim the cities and lands that the Lamanites had gained control of until all the Lamanite forces are gathered in one spot. Losing his own life in the process, Teancum slays the Lamanite king Ammoron and the next day, the Lamanites are defeated in a last battle and are either killed or driven from the land.

There is one interesting verse in this chapter. Verse 41 says that the Nephites, after so many years of war, hardship and loss of life, reacted in one of two ways. Some hardened their hearts because of their afflictions while others humbled themselves and turned to the Lord. It reminds me of Sidney Rigdon and how he reacted to being in Liberty Jail as compared to Joseph and Hyrum. After their release, Sidney was a different person and seemed hardened and filled with anger. Joseph and Hyrum were humbled and became more loving and sensitive to those around them. It's a good lesson for each of us in how to react when hard times come.

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