Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Alma 51

Right when things are difficult for the nation, a group of people campaign to overthrow Pahoran and change the form of government so that the nation is governed by kings. It’s a form of government that would remove the liberty and freedom of the people and put them under the power of a few individuals. It’s interesting that the people pushing for this are those of high society and want to exercise power and control over the people. If it’s like today, the promises are that all of the people’s problems will be solved, the king will take care of them and life will be much easier. The people are smart enough to vote this down. Showing their true colors, when the Lamanites come to battle against the Nephites, those who support the idea of a king refuse to fight. We might cringe a little at the action Moroni took. He killed any king-men, as they were called, who would not fight to protect their nation. But had Moroni not ended the divisions in his own people, it is most likely they would have been destroyed by the Lamanites. I have to say I’m not disappointed when Teancum was able to sneek into the camp of the Lamanites and kill Amalickia. He was the cause of much wickedness and murder.

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