Friday, August 27, 2010

Alma 49

The Lamanites come up against the Nephites and are amazed at their fortifications. Seeing that they have no way to take one city they move on to the next only to find the same thing. The Lord always has a better way of doing things than man. When visitors see Welfare Square, Temple Square, or other church sites, they are always amazed at not only how clean and attractive the sites are, but how efficient and effective. Whenever we do something under the Lord's inspiration, it will always be better than what it would have been if we relied on our own ingenuity. I'm not sure why this is such a hard lesson to learn. But I know I too often decide to "go it alone" instead of following the advice to "counsel with the Lord in all thy doings" or "trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thy own understanding." I know that when we bring the Lord into what we do, we'll always do it a little bit better, the path we take will be a little bit straighter, and life will be a little bit better.

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