Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Alma 44

Moroni offers Zarahemnah and the Lamanites a chance to survive if they will enter into an peace agreement and promise to not come to war against the Nephites again. If he won't agree, Moroni tells him that they will have no choice but to destroy them if they keep attacking. Moroni testifies that it is the power of God that is supporting them but Zarahemnah denies this and says it is the quality of their weapons. When Zarahemnah refuses to enter into the peace agreement and tries to kill Moroni, one of Moroni's soldiers is able to scalp Zarahemnah and holds the scalp up for the Lamanites to see. This convinces some of the Lamanites to enter into a peace agreement but most won't and the battle begins again. Finally, when the Lamanites are just about to be completely destroyed, Zarahemnah sees he can't possibly survive so he enters into the peace agreement. The number of dead is evidently innumerable. To me this is really simple. If you have to go to war, go with the purpose of defending your land, your family and your freedom. But definitely go with God on your side. The power of faith and unrighteousness is always underestimated and not understood by those who are unrighteous. There is added power given to the righteous and they will always prevail over unrighteousness.

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