Thursday, July 30, 2009

Acts 2

This is one of the really remarkable historical chapters in the scriptures. It is about the end of May, one week after the ascension of Christ. A large number of the followers of the Christ are met in a room with the 12 apostles. Suddenly a sound from heaven is heard and the only way they know to describe it is it's like a mighty wind rushing through the room. Light appears above each of the apostles and this too is indescribable and they say it's like tongues of fire, each of them divided in two. Then they begin speaking in tongues. This isn't gibberish, but they are speaking in the different languages of the people there. Verses 9 -11 say that more than 14 different languages are spoken. People run out of the room and spread the word and more and more people come. As with sacred experiences, some are amazed, while others mock saying the people are drunk.

Then Peter, the president of the church stands up. You can sense the majesty and power with which he speaks. He tells them it's only 9 am so it's not likely they are drunk, but in fulfillment of the prophecies of the scriptures, the Holy Ghost is being given to all people who will receive it. Peter bears a powerful testimony of Christ, of his coming from the lineage of David. This is extremely important to the Jews because they all know the Messiah must come from the house of David. He then recounts how the wicked of the Jews have crucified Christ, and how he now has resurrected, been exalted to the right hand of God, and all of them are witnesses of it.

Three thousand people feel the witness of the Holy Ghost and ask the apostles what they must do. He then explains the process that all of us must follow. That it's more than just believing something and then going on. He tells them they must repent and be baptized so they can receive the Holy Ghost. This and as we go through Acts, we will see that baptism is essential and it must be done by someone who has the authority to baptize.

In this whole experience, you can see the three ways in which God works by the Spirit with people. All of the people assembled have the light of Christ. The power of the Holy Ghost comes upon some and gives them knowledge. But the Holy Ghost will leave them after having given that knowledge. The Gift of the Holy Ghost is the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and sanctifies those who have it and live righteously.

Those who hear Peter receive the power of the Holy Ghost and get a witness that what Peter is saying is true. So they ask him what they should do. He tells them they must repent and be baptized so that they are cleansed. Then they can receive a member of the Godhead in their lives on a permanent basis, much like a person would clean their house and in anticipation of receiving an important guest. Three thousand people are baptized on that day.

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