Friday, August 5, 2011

D&C Section Ninety

There are two important principles in this revelation. One principle deals with the keys of the kingdom of God. The keys relate to the priesthood and refer to the power to direct the use of priesthood authority. These keys always belong to the First Presidency of the Church. Joseph is told in this revelation that he will always hold these keys, both in this life and in the next, and they will never be taken from him. This is because he stands at the head of this dispensation of the gospel. All prophets after him are subject to him just as he subject to Michael (Adam) who holds the keys for the salvation of all mankind. Michael is subject to the Savior. Wilford Woodruff said that if Joseph would have had his desires, he would have led the Saints to the west and the Rocky Mountains, but it was necessary for him to seal his testimony with his blood and then continue his ministry, particularly directing the temple work for the dead, in the spirit world.

The other principle mentioned in this revelation is the oracles of God. In the scriptures, the term oracles refers to the prophets and the revelations they receive and teach. We're counseled to be mindful concerning how we receive the oracles since they represent the Lord and the Lord's mind and will. I firmly believe in the counsel we have been given that if we follow the brethren we will not be led astray. I have never heard anything from the lips of prophets and apostles that wasn't good counsel, or was contrary to how I feel. My biggest challenge is to keep myself in line with what they teach because when I do is when I am the happiest and my life is the most productive and has the most purpose.

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