Monday, April 11, 2011

D&C Section Forty Six

In the early days of the church, confirmation meetings were held once a week where newly baptized members were confirmed. Only members could attend these. Now the Lord is commanding the church to allow all people to attend all of their meetings and no one is to be kept from attending. He only warns that those members who are unworthy to partake of the sacrament should be counseled not to. There is an important promise in verses 7 and 8. If we do everything prayerfully we will not be seduced by false doctrine, by evil, or by false statements or beliefs of men. In other words, we can know the difference between what is true and what isn't. And most of all, if we can discern what spiritual gifts we have been given and faithfully use those gifts, we will not only avoid all deception, but will be able to be a blessing in the lives of others.

I feel this is one of the least utilized revelations in the church. We have all been given one or more spiritual gifts and we're promised that we can seek and obtain others. For some reason, we often seem to lack faith in ourselves and think we don't have spiritual gifts or we really don't have the ability to use our spiritual gifts. Often our spiritual gifts are mentioned in our patriarchal blessings. If a spiritual gift is talked about in our blessing, we possess it. And if we think and ponder about it, utilize it, and seek to improve our ability to use it, it will grow. It's much like talents which I think are also spiritual gifts. As we use them and practice using them, they improve.

There are 13 spiritual gifts mentioned in this section. One of the most interesting two gifts are in verses 13 and 14. To some, the gift is given "to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified for the sins of the world. To others it is given to believe on their words, that they also might have eternal life if they continue faithful." This should end all comparing in the church, especially that comparing where we put ourselves down because we doubt our own spirituality in comparison to others. Not everyone has to have an equal testimony. It is alright if we cannot say "I know" something. It is enough to believe and keep the commandments. Hopefully, if we do not have knowledge of something, we'll seek that knowledge and the promise is we will eventually obtain it. I think there will always be things in the church we "know," and things that we believe. For example, from the time I joined the church, I have known that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I have never doubted. It's just second nature to me. I know it as sure as I know there's no hair on the top of my head. I have questions about some things, but the questions have never dented that knowledge. But for years, I struggled to have a knowledge and testimony of the Savior. I believed it, but I couldn't say I knew it. That knowledge has come gradually over many years. It is something I have had to work for and it definitely has room for growth

Think what a great promise this is. If, as the Lord says, we ask in the Spirit, it will be done. We can obtain and be blessed by spiritual gifts. But asking must come after study and thought and righteous living. These are great gifts that are not given on a whim. There is a price we must be willing to pay, but paying the price brings such great blessings.

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