Wednesday, November 17, 2010

3 Nephi 24

The Savior quotes the third chapter of Malachi and everyone is familiar with
the verses on tithing. First though, I like verses 5 and 6 where the Savior
promises that he will correct all falsehood and rid the world of those who
prey upon others. There is only one source of truth, not thousands of
different sources of a thousand different truths. And the great blessing is
we can rely on his truth while the world changes it understanding of truth
according to their needs and circumstances.

I do not know just how it works with the Lord, but I do know that tithing
works. That when you pay tithing, everything goes better, especially
financially. In some way, the Lord always takes care of us and does not
leave us to suffer needlessly. And when he opens the windows of heaven and
blesses us, we will find that the blessings are for all aspects of our

Notice in verses 11 to the end of the chapter what the Lord says. First he
tells us about what people in our day will say. They say it is vain to serve
God, meaning there's no purpose, it doesn't get you any results. Why
bother? They say there's no gain in keeping the ordinances, that the proud
are the ones who are happy, and only the wicked prosper.

But the Savior then promises that if we are willing to ignore the pressures
of the world and follow him, ignore all the noise of the world, he will make
us his. "They shall be mine" he says in the day that he "makes up his
jewels." I like the symbolism of jewels. His jewels are his people, those
who love him. Jewels are made as the result great pressure, and as a
result, they are unlimited in their strength and endurance. Jewels, unlike
mirrors, absorb light and then reflect that light from within. A mirror
simply reflects the light without absorbing it.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you for that.