Saturday, June 12, 2010

Alma 25

More and more of the Lamanites are converting, especially after the Amulonites attack them and destroy many of them. The Lamanites turn on the Amulonites and drive them out of the land, killing a large numbers of them. All of the prophecies of Abinadi considering the priests of Noah are fulfilled. I remember reading an article on the prophecies of Joseph Smith and all of them, except those concerning the second coming, have been fulfilled. I wonder how much have we been taught about the future with our current prophets? It would be interesting to make a list and see what has been fulfilled. As a missionary, President Kimball spoke to us when he was president of the Quorum of 12 and said, you will see the time come when the church will be using satellites to broadcast the gospel all over the world. This was at a time when the church only used the radio and television in a very limited and local way. Priesthood sessions of conference were broadcast over phone lines to stake centers where we would listen. Now the church uses satellites to broadcast all over the world. One thing is for sure, all that the prophets have prophesied will be fulfilled and I think it's important to remember that knowledge is power.

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