Thursday, March 4, 2010

2 Nephi 27

I wonder what Joseph Smith thought as he translated this chapter. As he translated these words, it had to have been both sobering and inspiring to realize that he was the person being referred to, that he was translating the book being prophesied about, and here he was fulfilling the very words being translating. Joseph could see that a portion of the plates were sealed and most likely realized that these sealed plates were the ones John spoke of in Revelations. I have no doubt that we do not realize how sacred this scripture is, and how blessed we are to be able to hold in our hands these ancient words written over 2500 years ago. I am sure that is why the Lord withholds knowledge and understanding of these words from those who would ridicule and scoff at them. He says he has poured out a spirit of deep sleep on them because they have closed their eyes and rejected the prophets.

It was when Joseph Smith was translating this chapter that he realized that others could see the plates and would have to stand by him as witnesses to their actual existence and purpose. After the three witnesses had the plates shown to them by the angel, Joseph went to his parents and wept because now the burden was not on him alone. Now others new without a doubt. It is one thing to say I have seen an angel, or I have seen and handled the plates. But when three or more can come forward and say I saw the angel too, I also saw and handled the plates, Joseph's testimony was validated and validated by men who were respected in the community.

It is so easy to forget what a miracle it is that we have the Book of Mormon. It is to easy to not remember the sacrifices made by those who wrote it, the blood that was spilt and the lives taken in order that we might have it today. And it is too easy to not realize how miraculous its coming forth in our day was. We are so very fortunate to have access to this sacred book and its words.

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