Monday, August 3, 2009

Acts 5

The story of Ananias and his wife show me how much the Lord hates lying and deceit, especially in the church. Maybe these people were old and the stress and embarrassment brought on heart failure. It doesn't matter how they died, only that they were caught in in the lie. Of course in those days, to break an oath was punishable by death.

These poor priests and sadducees. They are just beside themselves because the people are converting in multitudes and they are loosing their influence. I like the Greek translation for the word indignation in verse 17. Envy is a much better word.

Peter and the apostles are fearless of these men and I like the wisdom of Gamaliel: "If this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; be careful, therefore, lest ye be found even to fight against God (JST)." Smart man. I wonder if he later joins the church.

This is the first time of many that the apostles are physically beaten for teaching and bearing witness of Christ.

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